Grief is more than death

Grieving, bereavement and loss have origins in death. When someone says they are grieving, most people may consider someone has died.

However, it is important to acknowledge and accept that grieving is not solely pertained to a loved one dying.

I have worked in homeless services since 2010 and the loss of a home, the shock, anger, sadness, yearning and devastation is as real a grieving process as the loss of a person. The loss of “material” objects, things of meaning, things of security and safety are fundamental to our being. Often, these “things” make up our identity, sense of self and a pillar of esteem. To experience a loss of these can have detrimental effects on wellbeing and a grieving process often ensues.

Also, when we talk about grief and loss, it may be in relation to a person, but this person may be very much still alive. Relationship breakdown, loss of a job or the end of a significant friendship are also very pivotal events to a grieving process.

If you are experiencing a loss other than death acknowledge the emotional reactions and stages of grief your experience may have provoked. Take the time, reflect and care for your grief.

Please get in touch if I can be of support.